Български    English    Rom?n?    Русский    Deutsch   
Home  Registration
St. Cyril and st. Methodius
international foundation

Student details
First name:
Middle name:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Place of birth (city, country):
Native language:
Passport number:
T-shirt size:
City / Province     Postal Code     City district
Street     №     Block     Entr.     Floor     Apt.
Contact details:
Home phone number:     Fax number:     Student mobile number:
Student e-mail:     E-mail of :  
Emergency contact phone number:
Mother (Full name):     Mobile phone number:
Father (Full name):     Mobile phone number:
"Arkutino" - The British Summer School in Bulgaria
2 weeks
31 Jul. (Saturday) - 14 Aug. (Saturday)     15 Aug. (Sunday) - 29 Aug. (Sunday)    
4 weeks
31 Jul. (Saturday) - 29 Aug. (Sunday)    
Additional charge for a double en-suite room upgrade
2 weeks / 60 EUR     4 weeks / 120 EUR    
(The school does not guarantee same room accomudation for students travelling together.)
Day school (Monday through Friday)
2 - 6 August     9 - 13 August     16 - 20 August     23 - 27 August
Would you like us to arrange a transfer at extra charge:
Morning     Evening        From / To:
Additional student information
Level of English: (I to VI)     How long has the student studied English?    

Are you enrolling with a friend?

Does the child have any health issues or allergies that we need to be aware of? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Does the student have any allergies? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Does the student use any prescribed medications? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Is the student allergic to Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Does the student follow a special diet? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Is your child a vegetarian? Yes No
(If YES, please provide details)

Can your child swim: Yes Little No

Do you give your permision for your child to take part in water sport and Aqua park activities:
Yes No
Will the child use the prearranged transfers?:
Upon arrival     Upon departure     No
If yes, which city of the following is your nearest stop: Sofia-Plovdiv-Stara Zagora-Burgas-Arkutino:
(The transfer pick up point and hour will be specified additionally.)
Student photos
The language school will be taking photos of all participating students as well as making a DVD video of the study process. All photos will be posted on the school's website and will be given to the students upon school departure. Please indicate whether you agree for your child to be photographed and for the photos to be used in "Arkutino" British Summer School ads.

I wish to enroll my child for the course and I enclose::
Non-refundable deposit of 350BGN     Bank transfer EUR     Full payment
I will pay the remaining balance::
If you would like to receive an invoice on a company name, please specify that and provide details at the time of enrollment.
Enrollment processed by: (to be filled by a company representative)
Full name of company representative
Date: 14.01.2025
How did you hear about us?
Start dates


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The conception of learning


INTEGRAL Educational Programs

Phone: + 359 2 80 50 600
Fax: + 359 2  950 55 70
e-mail: yoana@integral.bg

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